About Us
Welcome to Retailjobs.
Retailjobs is part of the Leisurejobs.com group, a network of seven specialist job boards for the broad spectrum of the leisure and hospitality industry.
Retailjobs.co.uk is dedicated to the ever growing, diverse retail sector, working with a variety of UK wide retail brands and putting employers and jobseekers in touch. Retailjobs advertises entry-level positions up to Senior Management/ Director level positions and everything in between for positions at store level or Headoffice, including Sales Advisors, Store Managers, Buyers or Regional Directors for independent stores, large departments, online retail establishments or UK wide, high street retail brands.
It’s a dynamic industry and we’re a passionate bunch who truly loves what we do. We love jobs, and lots of them.
With a company motto of ‘Love what you do’, it is our promise to give you choice – this means jobs at every level, at every location and across a multitude of functions and operators.
Don’t just take it from us though; take a peak at the types of roles we advertise and who for. And if that’s not enough, let our numbers do the talking. We have a loyal and happy candidate database of over 1,272,814 registered jobseekers receiving our jobs daily, plus over 16,500 on top of that who are visiting each day – and these figures are always on the up.
Register your details quickly and easily and be part of our hub, getting you well on the way to finding your dream job.