About us

Help us build the definitive food company

At Deliveroo, we are transforming the way people think about food.

When you first think about Deliveroo, you probably think of getting great food to your house in less than half an hour. Awesome right? But behind the scenes is the real story. This story is one of high growth, huge challenges and an enormous opportunity ahead of us - a story we would love you to help us shape.

We want to be the definitive food company - the app you go to any time you have a hunger pang. We are providing people with limitless access to different cuisines and restaurants, turning cooking from a chore to a choice, and giving people the freedom to eat what they want, when they want, where they want it.

6 years in - we now operate in 14 markets, with over 60,000 riders who deliver orders from 80,000 restaurants in over 500 towns and cities worldwide.